26. October 2007

5 Ways to Fail & Dilbert

Joel Spolksy, of Joel On Software fame, published an interesting Inc Magazine article yesterday. The article, titled “How Hard Could It Be?: Five Easy Ways to Fail”, covers a number of issues that we developers see from our side of a software project.

As I was reading this, I started


12. October 2007

Agile - Don't build for tomorrow...

I’m late to the Agile party, I know… but I cannot help but keep seeing many failures and shortcomings of the past being accepted, welcomed, and then addressed in the Agile space.

How many times have you


09. October 2007

NAnt - really?

So I’m looking at taking JPB’s advice on a Visual Studio project setup and his reference to using NAnt for his normal builds - even small projects. I’ve seen reference to NAnt for years now and am still having trouble thinking this is just overkill for a “small” standard project.
