31. October 2008
Continuous Integration Gotcha NAnt empty elements
For those of us using the TeamCity continuous integration tool, I ran across a gotcha this morning that I will forget very soon.
One programmer's journey on the path
31. October 2008
For those of us using the TeamCity continuous integration tool, I ran across a gotcha this morning that I will forget very soon.
13. September 2008
I’ve had some reasons to use JQuery this week, and you should believe whatever good rumors and hype you’ve heard about this library. It’s amazing.
There are many benefits to a Javascript framework, particularly JQuery. Take this example that I put inside my <head\>
<script type="text/javascript">
alert("This to authenticate with Delicious and start retrieving Bookmarks into Google Gears database");
29. August 2008
JP put out another post requesting comments on a Readable (Fluent) approach he’s currently using.
I tried to leave a comment, but the system
05. June 2008
JetBrains has just posted their Release Candidate
19. February 2008
Jeremy posted an article on retrieving filtered results on collections, using the perennial Animal kingdom example. Great post.
As I was looking at this again, it just started looking “smelly”. First thought